Led redesign of website and emails for a community school in Kenya

Karibu Centre home page in a laptop


The Karibu Centre is a community program in Kenya. It provides preschool, after-school programs and job readiness training to underprivileged communities.

They wanted to redesign their website and build an integrated marketing program. I volunteered to help along with three other colleagues from Salesforce's marketing department.


  • Design
  • Front-End Development
a photo from our initial white boarding session

the challenge

We were only volunteering for five days and our team was small. My colleagues applied their skills to optimize the website’s SEO and web-to-lead flow. While my job was to update the website and email design.

I inherited a fairly comprehensive style guide from a previous volunteer team. That team deserves credit for having laid down the foundation for most of the brand design.

I built upon their work and made final decisions on the aesthetic look and organization of the site.

Design Approach

My design approach was to make the website look graceful, bright and colorful — three words that describe the Karibu Centre.

I simplified the color scheme and relied heavily on the beautiful photography available. I also improved the website's user-experience by establishing a clearer hierarchy among elements on the page.

Previous site design
image of the previous site design's home page
image of the redesigned site's home page
previous site mapreorganized site map

Sitemap Reorganization

Simplify! I started by auditing the website’s content and reorganized it in a way my team agreed was better.

I flattened out the navigation and displayed the link to each page on the top nav bar. The donation page received the top-level placement it deserved.

image of programs web page
an image of an inverted funnel representing the digital marketing lead flow

Digital Marketing lead flow

This is the lead flow my team built:

  1. The user enters through social media or an online search
  2. They fill out a form on the website
  3. Their information is captured on Google Sheets
  4. An admin at the Karibu Centre uploads this data to their instance of Salesforce
  5. The admin is then able to send a thank you email from Salesforce to the volunteer or donor